Everyone asks themselves: who am I, what is life, what is love, what is the Universe, what is the meaning of time and what do we live for…No one knows the right answers, but we are always on a constant quest to find them. I believe we need to understand that we are a part of history, between the past and the future. Our mission is to take the best experiences of the past generations and add our own knowledge and understanding and, then pass it to the future generations. Art is a form and language of expression,and is a timeless communication between all people and all generations. The language of visual art is in a process of constant transformation. Every artist must learn the languages of previous generations of artists and, create their own language, which helps to express themselves better and, to be understood by other people. It is a very experimental and creative process, always leading to new discoveries. Visual artwork is a dialog between the artist and everyone individually. The Artist shares his feelings, emotions, and asks questions, hoping that he, or she will be understood by other s. If the person who is looking at the painting, experiences an emotional contact, art has happened. Artwork, originated by the artist, continues in the mind of the viewers and each finds a meaning of their own. For centuries art always has been and continues to be about life, death, love, and sense of life. But all the time, artists were looking for a new language, and a new way to express themselves. My way of searching for my visual language, led me to series "Dreamers" and "?". We all see dreams, we cannot control them, not always we can understand them, but they are always a reflection of our life. In dreams we can see anything in any abstract or unexpected forms, with a coded meaning. It gives me a freedom to show any situation, or express my feelings, hope, or concern through modern, or the historical Dreamer in an allegorical form. Everybody can find his or her own explanation. The "?”series is the way to ask important questions about our future, relationship between people, countries, nations and generations... In our 21st Century World, some countries don't understand each other, and the interest of small groups prevails over the general interest. We don't really know what is going to happen tomorrow. I am asking through my paintings: Where we are going? " Can we try to understand each other?" The color combination in my paintings must leave a feeling of optimism. I believe in our future.